Built a cloud infrastructure for insurance broker Remind from scratch and ensured the implementation and support of all necessary IT services. The CROC Cloud Services team helped Remind localize its IT infrastructure and services in Russia. Within the framework of the project in a few months a cloud infrastructure in our country was built from scratch the implementation and support of all IT services necessary for business were ensured. In the spring of when the decision was made to localize the Russian division of the company we realized that we were facing a very serious task to rebuild all IT processes. The situation was complicated by the fact that the transition project had to be implemented in a few months. At the same time we did not have a large team within the IT department to perform this task.
That is why we immediately started looking for a whatsapp mobile number list provider who would be ready to provide us with a comprehensive service for the localization of IT systems in a short time said Stanislav Nikon director of the information technology and systems department of the insurance broker Remind. The main requirement for the provider was experience in building a cloud and network infrastructure from scratch and its subsequent support. At the same time the cloud platform itself had to be completely independent of foreign vendors.
The choice in favor of CROC Cloud Services was due to the fact that the company s product is an in house development independent of foreign software as well as the presence of a large team of experts in the cloud network architecture infrastructure protection and maintenance of office software. CROC s proposal to localize its IT infrastructure included several elements. Firstly designing a cloud IT infrastructure according to the IA as model with duplication of key nodes to ensure fault tolerance as well as building a network architecture.