The market recognizes the only fair option for the distribution of income received through the participation of goods, services, and capital in competition on it. Citizens who do not participate in the production of goods and services, but act only as consumers (disabled people, children, the elderly) remain outside the influence of the market. Another significant drawback of the market economy is that the market system also carries out an insufficient distribution of resources, the so-called ecological sphere . This area concerns the use and further reproduction of the environment.
The private sector of the economy makes good use of the benefits from the exploitation of the environment, but is not interested in spending on its restoration. The listed shortcomings are called "failures" of the market (market failures), and their existence determines the objective need for state intervention in the course capital whatsapp mobile number list to of market economic processes. In all developed countries, the basic elements of the mechanism for coordinating the economic system are the market and the government. Of great practical importance is the problem of their rational correlation, which is not sustainable and depends on many conditions: the level of economic development, the specifics of production, the mentality of the nation, etc.
Both mechanisms have their advantages and disadvantages, and therefore the main task of the state is the rational distribution of functions between them. The better the market works and the country prospers, the less the state needs to interfere in the economy; and vice versa, the further a society is from economic stability and development, the wider and larger should be the state regulation of market relations. At the same time, the state regulates only those areas and processes that the market performs insufficiently efficiently or is not able to coordinate at all.